
ephypype.pipelines.create_pipeline_time_series_to_spectral_connectivity(main_path, pipeline_name='ts_to_conmat', con_method='coh', multi_con=False, export_to_matlab=False, n_windows=[], mode='multitaper', is_sensor_space=True, epoch_window_length=None, gathering_method='mean')[source]

Connectivity pipeline.

Compute spectral connectivity in a given frequency bands.


the main path of the pipeline

pipeline_name: str (default ‘ts_to_conmat’)

name of the pipeline


metric computed on time series for connectivity; possible choice: “coh”,”imcoh”,”plv”,”pli”,”wpli”,”pli2_unbiased”,”ppc”,”cohy”, “wpli2_debiased”

multi_conbool (default False)

True if multiple connectivity matrices are exported

export_to_matlabbool (default False)

True if conmat is exported to .mat format as well


list of start and stop points (tuple of two integers) of temporal windows

modestr (default ‘multipaper’)

mode for computing frequency bands; possible choice: “multitaper”, “cwt_morlet”


epoched data

is_sensor_spacebool (default True)

True if we compute connectivity on sensor space

gather_methodstr (default “mean”)

how to handle the values over the frequency bands: possible choices: “mean”,”max”, “none”

ts_file (inputnode): str

path to the time series file in .npy format

freq_band (inputnode): float

frequency bands

sfreq (inputnode): float

sampling frequency

labels_file (inputnode): str

path to the file containing a list of labels associated with nodes

pipelineinstance of Workflow