.. _neuropycon: Neuropycon ********** Neuropycon is an open-source multi-modal brain data analysis kit which provides **Python-based pipelines** for advanced multi-thread processing of fMRI, MEG and EEG data, with a focus on connectivity and graph analyses. Neuropycon is based on `Nipype `_, a tool developed in fMRI field, which facilitates data analyses by wrapping many commonly-used neuro-imaging software into a common python framework. Neuropycon project includes two different packages: * |ephypype| based on |MNE python| includes pipelines for electrophysiology analysis * :ref:`graphpype` based on |radatools| includes pipelines for graph theoretical analysis of neuroimaging data .. |MNE python| raw:: html MNE python .. |radatools| raw:: html radatools .. |ephypype| raw:: html ephypype Neuropycon provides a very common and fast framework to develop workflows for advanced analyses, in particular defines a set of different **pipelines** that can be used stand-alone or as **lego** of a bigger workflow: the input of a pipeline will be the output of another pipeline. For each possible workflow the **input data** can be specified in three different ways: * raw MEG data in **.fif** and **.ds** format * time series of connectivity matrices in **.mat** (Matlab) or **.npy** (Numpy) format * connectivity matrices in **.mat** (Matlab) or **.npy** (Numpy) format .. _lego: .. figure:: img/tiny_all_input_doors.png :width: 50% :align: center Main inputs and subsequent pipeline steps Each pipeline based on nipype engine is defined by **nodes** connected together, where each node maybe wrapping of existing software (as MNE-python modules or radatools functions) as well as providing easy ways to implement function defined by the user. .. _graphpype: graphpype ********* Neuropycon project for graph analysis, can be used from ephypype and nipype. The graphpype package provides the following **pipelines**: * the :ref:`conmat_to_graph pipeline ` runs the graph computation and graph-theoretical tools over connectivity matrices. * the :ref:`inv_ts_to_graph pipeline ` runs the spectral connectivity and the graph computation over time series. * the :ref:`nii_to_graph ` pipeline provide a script to compute connectivity matrices and graphs computations from prepocessed functional MRI. * the :ref:`inv_ts_to_bct_graph ` pipeline provide example scripts to compute graph metrics (so far, KCore) using bctpy (Brain Connectivity Toolbox). Installation ============ graphpype works with **python3** .. code-block:: bash $ pip install https://api.github.com/repos/neuropycon/graphpype/zipball/master Or with pip: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install graphpype Radatools --------- You should add all the directories from radatools to the PATH env variable: 1. Download radatools sotware: http://deim.urv.cat/~sergio.gomez/radatools.php#download 2. Download and extract the zip file 3. Add following lines in your .bashrc: For radatools 3.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RADA_PATH=/home/david/Tools/Software/radatools-3.2-linux32 (replace /home/david/Tools/Software by your path to radatools) export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/01-Prepare_Network/ export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/02-Find_Communities/ export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/03-Reformat_Results export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/04-Other_Tools/ For radatools 4.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RADA_PATH=/home/david/Tools/Software/radatools-4.0-linux64 (replace /home/david/Tools/Software by your path to radatools) export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/Network_Tools export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/Network_Properties export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/Communities_Detection export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/Communities_Tools For radatools 5.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RADA_PATH=/home/david/Tools/Software/radatools-5.0-linux64 (replace /home/david/Tools/Software by your path to radatools) export PATH=$PATH:$RADA_PATH/Network_Tools