Source code for ephypype.commands.neuropycon

"""Command line interface for ephypype package"""

# Authors: Dmitrii Altukhov <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

from ..externals import click
import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe
import os
@click.option('--ncpu', '-n', default=1, help='number of CPUs to use\
 takes effect only for MultiProc and PBS plugins')
@click.option('--plugin', '-p',
              type=click.Choice(['Linear', 'MultiProc', 'PBS']),
              help='plugin to use; use Linear for single-thread\
 computation, MultiProc for parallel computation on local\
 machine and PBS to compute on cluster',
@click.option('--save-path', '-s', type=click.Path(), default=os.getcwd(),
              help='path to store results')
@click.option('--workflow-name', '-w', default='my_workflow',
              help='name of destination directory')
@click.option('--verbose/--no-verbose', default=True,
              help='verbosity level')
def cli(ncpu, plugin, save_path, workflow_name, verbose):
    """Parallel processing of MEG/EEG data"""

#  ----------------- Connect all the nodes into a workflow ----------------- #
[docs]@cli.resultcallback() def process_pipeline(nodes, ncpu, plugin, save_path, workflow_name, verbose): """Create main workflow""" input_node, path_node = nodes[-1] workflow = pe.Workflow(name=workflow_name) workflow.base_dir = (save_path) in_out = {'path_node': ('key', 'path'), 'ep2npy': ('fif_file', 'ts_file'), 'pwr': ('epochs_file', 'pwr_file'), 'sp_conn': ('ts_file', 'conmat_file'), 'mse': ('ts_file', 'mse_file'), 'ica': ('fif_file', 'ica_file'), 'preproc': ('fif_file', 'fif_file'), 'ds2fif': ('ds_file', 'fif_file'), 'epoching': ('fif_file', 'epo_fif_file')} workflow.connect(input_node, 'keys', path_node, 'key') prev_node = path_node click.echo(, fg='cyan'), nl=False) for node in nodes[:-1]: click.secho(' ---> {}'.format(, fg='cyan', nl=False) node.inputs.get() workflow.connect(prev_node, in_out[][1], node, in_out[][0]) prev_node = node click.echo() if verbose: if plugin == 'MultiProc':'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': ncpu}) elif plugin == 'Linear':'Linear') elif plugin == 'PBS':'PBS') else: from ..aux_tools import suppress_stdout_stderr with suppress_stdout_stderr(): if plugin == 'MultiProc':'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': ncpu}) elif plugin == 'Linear':'Linear') elif plugin == 'PBS':'PBS')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------------- input node ------------------------------- # @cli.command('input') @click.argument('fif_files', nargs=-1, type=click.Path(exists=True)) def infosrc(fif_files): r"""Specify input. Use wildcards to run computations on multiple files; To check yourself it's a good idea to run ls command first like this: $ ls ./\*/\*.fif $ neuropycon <...> input ./\*/\*.fif """ from os.path import abspath, split from os.path import commonprefix as cprfx from nipype.interfaces.utility import IdentityInterface, Function fif_files = [abspath(f) for f in fif_files] common_prefix = split(cprfx(fif_files))[0] + '/' iter_mapping = dict() for fif_file in fif_files: new_base = fif_file.replace(common_prefix, '') new_base = new_base.replace('/', '__') new_base = new_base.replace('.', '-') iter_mapping[new_base] = fif_file infosource = pe.Node(interface=IdentityInterface(fields=['keys']), name='input') path_node = pe.Node(interface=Function(input_names=['key', 'iter_mapping'], output_names=['path'], function=map_path), name='path_node') infosource.iterables = [('keys', list(iter_mapping.keys()))] path_node.inputs.iter_mapping = iter_mapping return infosource, path_node # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ---------------------- power spectral density node ---------------------- # @cli.command('psd') @click.option('--fmin', default=0., help='lower frequency bound; default=0') @click.option('--fmax', default=300., help='higher frequency bound; default=300') def psd(fmin, fmax): """Compute power spectral density. Lower and higher frequency bounds for computation can be changed Takes as input epochs in .fif format EXAMPLE: $ neuropycon pwr input ~/fif_epochs/*/*-epo.fif """ from ..interfaces.mne.power import Power # click.echo(list(fif_files)) power = pe.Node(interface=Power(), name='pwr') power.inputs.fmin = fmin power.inputs.fmax = fmax power.inputs.method = 'welch' return power # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------- connectivity node --------------------------- # @cli.command('conn') @click.option('--band', '-b', nargs=2, type=click.Tuple([float, float]), multiple=True, help='frequency band') @click.option('--method', '-m', nargs=1, type=click.Choice(["coh", "imcoh", "plv", "pli", "wpli", "pli2_unbiased", "ppc", "cohy", "wpli2_debiased"]), default=('imcoh',), multiple=True, help='connectivity measure') @click.option('--sfreq', '-s', nargs=1, type=click.INT, prompt='Input sampling frequency', help='data sampling frequency') @click.option('--tf-mode', '-t', nargs=1, type=click.Choice(['multitaper', 'cwt_morlet']), default='multitaper', help='mode of time-frequency transformation') def connectivity(band, method, sfreq, tf_mode): """Compute spectral connectivity""" from ..interfaces.mne.spectral import SpectralConn # if not method: # method = ('imcoh',) freq_bands = [list(t) for t in band] sp_conn = pe.Node(interface=SpectralConn(), name='sp_conn') # sp_conn.inputs.con_method = con_method sp_conn.inputs.sfreq = sfreq sp_conn.inputs.mode = tf_mode sp_conn.iterables = [('freq_band', freq_bands), ('con_method', method)] return sp_conn # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------- epochs to numpy node -------------------------- # @cli.command('ep2npy') def fif_ep_2_ts(): """Convert .fif epochs to npy timeseries""" from ..nodes.import_data import Ep2ts ep2ts = pe.Node(interface=Ep2ts(), name='ep2npy') return ep2ts # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------ Multiscale entropy node ------------------------ # @cli.command('mse') @click.option('-m', default=2) @click.option('-r', default=0.2) def multiscale(m, r): """Compute multiscale entropy node Experimental functionality. Available only in mse branch of ephypype """ from ..mse import get_mse_multiple_sensors from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function mse = pe.Node(interface=Function(input_names=['ts_file', 'm', 'r'], output_names=['mse_file'], function=get_mse_multiple_sensors), name='mse') mse.inputs.m = m mse.inputs.r = r return mse # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # -------------------------------- ica node -------------------------------- # @cli.command('ica') @click.option('--n-components', '-n', default=0.95) @click.option('--ecg-ch-name', '-c', type=click.STRING, default='') @click.option('--eog-ch-name', '-o', type=click.STRING, default='') def ica(n_components, ecg_ch_name, eog_ch_name): """Compute ica solution for raw fif file""" from ..interfaces.mne.preproc import CompIca ica_node = pe.Node(interface=CompIca(), name='ica') ica_node.inputs.n_components = n_components ica_node.inputs.ecg_ch_name = ecg_ch_name ica_node.inputs.eog_ch_name = eog_ch_name return ica_node # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------------ Preproc node ------------------------------ # @cli.command('preproc') @click.option('--l-freq', '-l', type=click.FLOAT) @click.option('--h-freq', '-h', type=click.FLOAT) @click.option('--ds_freq', '-d', type=click.INT, help='downsampling frequency') def preproc(l_freq, h_freq, ds_freq): """Filter and downsample data.""" from ..interfaces.mne.preproc import PreprocFif preproc_node = pe.Node(interface=PreprocFif(), name='preproc') if l_freq: preproc_node.inputs.l_freq = l_freq if h_freq: preproc_node.inputs.h_freq = h_freq if ds_freq: preproc_node.inputs.down_sfreq = ds_freq return preproc_node # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ------------------------------- ds2fif node ------------------------------- # @cli.command('ds2fif') def ds2fif(): """Convert CTF .ds raw data to .fif format""" from ..nodes.import_data import ConvertDs2Fif ds2fif_node = pe.Node(interface=ConvertDs2Fif(), name='ds2fif') return ds2fif_node # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------- create epochs node --------------------------- # @cli.command('epoch') @click.option('--length', '-l', type=click.FLOAT, help='epoch length') def epoch(length): """Epoch raw .fif resting state data""" from ..interfaces.mne.preproc import CreateEp epoch_node = pe.Node(interface=CreateEp(), name='epoching') epoch_node.inputs.ep_length = length return epoch_node # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def map_path(key, iter_mapping): """Map paths""" return iter_mapping[key] # ------------------------------- Greeting --------------------------------- # def output_greeting(): """Output greeting""" click.echo(''' _ _ _____ _____ _.-'-'--._ | \ | | | __ \ / ____| ,', ~'` ( .'`. | \| | ___ _ _ _ __ ___ | |__) | _| | ___ _ __ ( ~'_ , .'( >-) | . ` |/ _ \ | | | '__/ _ \| ___/ | | | | / _ \| '_ \ ( .-' ( `__.-< ) | |\ | __/ |_| | | | (_) | | | |_| | |___| (_) | | | | ( `-..--'_ .-') |_| \_|\___|\__,_|_| \___/|_| \__, |\_____\___/|_| |_| `(_( (-' `-'.-) __/ | `-.__.-'=/ |___/ `._`=' \\ ''', fg='magenta'))