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Time-frequency analysis on sEEG data¶
This pipeline shows a very simple example on how to create a workflow connecting a Node that wraps a desired function of a Matlab toolbox (FieldTrip) with a Node that wraps a function of a python toolbox (MNE)
The input data should be a .mat file containing a FieldTrip data structure.
# Authors: Annalisa Pascarella <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe
import ephypype
from ephypype.nodes import create_iterator, create_datagrabber
from ephypype.nodes import ImportFieldTripEpochs, Reference
from ephypype.interfaces import TFRmorlet
from ephypype.datasets import fetch_ieeg_dataset
Let us fetch the data first. It is around 200 MB download. We use the intracranial EEG (iEEG) data of SubjectUCI29 data available here
base_path = op.join(op.dirname(ephypype.__file__), '..', 'examples')
data_path = fetch_ieeg_dataset(base_path)
then read the parameters for time frequency analysis from a
file and print it
The code needs the FieldTrip package installed, with path properly setup, for this example to run.
import json # noqa
import pprint # noqa
params = json.load(open("params.json"))
pprint.pprint({'time frequency parameters': params["tfr"]})
ft_path = params["tfr"]['fieldtrip_path']
refmethod = params["tfr"]['refmethod']
channels_name = params["tfr"]['channels_name']
Then, we create our workflow and specify the base_dir which tells nipype the directory in which to store the outputs.
workflow_name = 'time_frequency_analysis'
main_workflow = pe.Workflow(name=workflow_name)
main_workflow.base_dir = data_path
Then we create a node to pass input filenames to DataGrabber from nipype
subject_ids = ['SubjectUCI29']
infosource = create_iterator(['subject_id'], [subject_ids])
and a node to grab data.
template_path = '%s*.mat'
template_args = [['subject_id']]
datasource = create_datagrabber(data_path, template_path, template_args,
We then the output (subject_id) of the infosource node to the datasource one. So, these two nodes taken together can grab data.
main_workflow.connect(infosource, 'subject_id', datasource, 'subject_id')
Now, the ephypype.nodes.Reference
interface is encapsulated in a
node and connected to the datasource node.
We set the channel names of sEEG data and refmethod equal to ‘bipolar’ in
order to apply a bipolar montage to the depth electrodes.
reference_node = pe.Node(interface=Reference(), name='rereference')
reference_node.inputs.channels = channels_name
reference_node.inputs.ft_path = ft_path
reference_node.inputs.refmethod = refmethod
reference_node.inputs.script = ''
# Then we connect the output of datasource node to the input of reference_node
main_workflow.connect(datasource, 'raw_file', reference_node, 'data_file')
The output of the reference_node will be a FieldTrip data structure containing the sEEG data in bipolar montage. Now we create and connect two new nodes (import_epochs, compute_tfr_morlet) that convert the FieldTrip data in MNE format and compute time-frequency representation of the data using Morlet wavelets rispectively.
import_epochs = pe.Node(interface=ImportFieldTripEpochs(), name='import_epochs') # noqa
import_epochs.inputs.data_field_name = 'reref_data'
main_workflow.connect(reference_node, 'data_output',
import_epochs, 'epo_mat_file')
compute_tfr_morlet = pe.Node(interface=TFRmorlet(), name='tfr_morlet')
compute_tfr_morlet.inputs.freqs = np.arange(1, 150, 2)
main_workflow.connect(import_epochs, 'fif_file',
compute_tfr_morlet, 'epo_file')
Finally, we are now ready to execute our workflow. Before, we plot the graph of the workflow (optional)
main_workflow.write_graph(graph2use='colored') # colored
and visualize it. Take a moment to pause and notice how the connections here correspond to how we connected the nodes.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa
img = plt.imread(op.join(data_path, workflow_name, 'graph.png'))
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
main_workflow.write_graph(graph2use='colored') # colored
main_workflow.config['execution'] = {'remove_unnecessary_outputs': 'false'}
# Run workflow locally on 1 CPU'MultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': 1})
To visualize the results we first grab it from workflow directort (base_dir) and use an MNE visualization function
import mne # noqa
from ephypype.gather import get_results # noqa
tfr_files, _ = get_results(main_workflow.base_dir,, pipeline='tfr_morlet')
for tfr_file in tfr_files:
power = mne.time_frequency.read_tfrs(tfr_file)
power[0].plot([0], baseline=(-.3, -.1), mode='logratio',
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)