
ephypype.pipelines.create_pipeline_evoked(main_path, pipeline_name='ERP_pipeline', events_id={}, condition=None, decim=1, t_min=None, t_max=None, baseline=None, data_type='meg')[source]

Evoked pipeline.

Compute time-locked event-related fields/potentials.


the main path of the workflow

pipeline_namestr (default ERP_pipeline)

name of the pipeline

is_epochedbool (default False)

if True and events_id = None the input data are epoch data in the format -epo.fif if True and events_id is not None, the raw data are epoched according to events_id and t_min and t_max values

events_id: dict (default None)

the dict of events

t_min, t_max: int (defualt None)

define the time interval in which to epoch the raw data

is_evoked: bool (default False)

if True the raw data will be averaged according to the events contained in the dict events_id

decim: int

factor by which to downsample the data

baseline: tuple


data_type: str

‘meg’ or ‘eeg’

raw (inputnode): str

path to raw data in fif format

sbj_id (inputnode): str

subject id

pipelineinstance of Workflow