
ephypype.pipelines.create_pipeline_evoked_inverse_solution(main_path, subjects_dir, pipeline_name='evoked_inv_sol_pipeline', spacing='ico-5', inv_method='MNE', snr=3.0, parc='aparc', aseg=False, aseg_labels=[], all_src_space=False, ROIs_mean=True, save_mixed_src_space=False, is_fixed=False, noise_cov_fname='', events_id={}, condition=None)[source]

Source reconstruction pipeline.


the main path of the workflow


Freesurfer directory

pipeline_namestr (default inv_sol_pipeline)

name of the pipeline

spacingstr (default ‘ico-5’)

spacing to use to setup a source space

inv_methodstr (default MNE)

the inverse method to use; possible choices: MNE, dSPM, sLORETA

is_fixedbool (default False)

if True we use fixed orientation, otherwise the loose orientation is applied

parc: str (default ‘aparc’)

the parcellation defining the ROIs atlas in the source space

aseg: bool (defualt False)

if True a mixed source space will be created and the sub cortical regions defined in aseg_labels will be added to the source space

aseg_labels: list (default [])

list of substructures we want to include in the mixed source space

noise_cov_fname: str (default None)

template for the path to either the noise covariance matrix file or the empty room data

all_src_space: bool

if True we compute the inverse for all points of the source space

ROIs_mean: bool

if True we compute the mean of estimated time series on ROIs

save_mixed_src_space: bool (defualt False)

if True the mixed src space will be saved in the FS folder

raw (inputnode): str

path to raw data in fif format

sbj_id (inputnode): str

subject id

pipelineinstance of Workflow