How to add MNE function to ephypype¶
The following section is a brief introduction on how to add to ephypype a new pipeline based on an algorithm already implemented in the software wrapped by NeuroPycon (e.g. MNE python, radatools).
Here, we add a source reconstruction pipeline using a Linear Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV) beamformer (Van Veen et al., 1997) as inverse method (see Compute LCMV inverse solution Section). This will lead to modify only the ephypype package by writing very few lines of code (almost 10).
Pipeline Input¶
We can use the same example script of the inverse solution pipeline
The only thing to change is the method
parameter in the json
"spacing": "oct-6",
"snr": 1.0,
"method": "LCMV",
"parcellation": "aparc",
"noise_cov_fname": "*noise*.ds"
Modify Interface¶
Now, we modify the _run_interface
method of the Inverse_solution Interface
by adding the new function _compute_LCMV_inverse_solution
self.ts_file, self.labels, self.label_names, self.label_coords = \
_compute_LCMV_inverse_solution(raw_filename, sbj_id, subjects_dir, fwd_filename, cov_filename,
parc=parc, all_src_space=all_src_space, ROIs_mean=ROIs_mean, is_fixed=is_fixed)
Add Function¶
Finally, we include in the module the new function
that calls the MNE python functions (make_lcmv, apply_lcmv_raw) we have to use to reconstruct the neural activity by an LCMV beamformer starting from raw data.
def _compute_LCMV_inverse_solution(raw_filename, sbj_id, subjects_dir, fwd_filename, cov_fname, parc='aparc',
all_src_space=False, ROIs_mean=True, is_fixed=False):
Compute the inverse solution on raw data by LCMV and return the average
time series computed in the N_r regions of the source space defined by
the specified cortical parcellation
raw_filename : str
filename of the raw data
sbj_id : str
subject name
subjects_dir : str
Freesurfer directory
fwd_filename : str
filename of the forward operator
cov_filename : str
filename of the noise covariance matrix
parc: str
the parcellation defining the ROIs atlas in the source space
all_src_space: bool
if True we compute the inverse for all points of the s0urce space
ROIs_mean: bool
if True we compute the mean of estimated time series on ROIs
ts_file : str
filename of the file where are saved the estimated time series
labels_file : str
filename of the file where are saved the ROIs of the parcellation
label_names_file : str
filename of the file where are saved the name of the ROIs of the
label_coords_file : str
filename of the file where are saved the coordinates of the
centroid of the ROIs of the parcellation
print(('\n*** READ raw filename %s ***\n' % raw_filename))
raw = read_raw_fif(raw_filename, preload=True)
subj_path, basename, ext = split_f(raw_filename)
print(('\n*** READ noise covariance %s ***\n' % cov_fname))
noise_cov = mne.read_cov(cov_fname)
print(('\n*** READ FWD SOL %s ***\n' % fwd_filename))
forward = mne.read_forward_solution(fwd_filename)
forward = mne.convert_forward_solution(forward, surf_ori=True)
# compute data covariance matrix
picks = pick_types(, meg=True, ref_meg=False, exclude='bads')
data_cov = mne.compute_raw_covariance(raw, picks=picks)
# compute LCMV filters
filters = make_lcmv(, forward, data_cov, reg=0.05, noise_cov=noise_cov, pick_ori='normal', weight_norm='nai', depth=0.8)
# apply spatial filter
stc = apply_lcmv_raw(raw, filters, max_ori_out='signed')
ts_file, label_ts, labels_file, label_names_file, label_coords_file = \
_process_stc(stc, basename, sbj_id, subjects_dir, parc, forward, False, is_fixed, all_src_space=False, ROIs_mean=True)
return ts_file, labels_file, label_names_file, label_coords_file
Download Json parameters file: params.json
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