02. Compute ERP

This workflow mainly call the ephypype pipeline computing N170 component from cleaned EEG data. The first Node of the workflow (Extract events Node Node) extracts the events from raw data. The events are saved in the Node directory. In the ERP Node the raw data are epoched accordingly to events extracted in Extract events Node. The evoked datasets are created by averaging the different conditions specified in json file.

# Authors: Annalisa Pascarella <a.pascarella@iac.cnr.it>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2

Import modules

The first step is to import the modules we need in the script. We import mainly from nipype and ephypype packages.

import os
import os.path as op

import json
import pprint  # noqa
import ephypype

import nipype.pipeline.engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function

from ephypype.nodes import create_iterator, create_datagrabber
from ephypype.pipelines.preproc_meeg import create_pipeline_evoked
from ephypype.datasets import fetch_erpcore_dataset

Let us fetch the data first. It is around 90 MB download.

import ephypype
home_dir = op.expanduser("~")

base_path = op.join(home_dir, 'workshop')


except OSError:
    print("directory {} already exists".format(base_path))

data_path = fetch_erpcore_dataset(base_path)
directory /home/pasca/workshop already exists

Define data and variables

Let us specify the variables that are specific for the data analysis (the main directories where the data are stored, the list of subjects and sessions, …) and the variable specific for the particular pipeline (events_id, baseline, …) in a json file (if it is does work, try to go on the github page, and right-click “Save As” on the Raw button)

# Read experiment params as json
params = json.load(open("params.json"))
pprint.pprint({'parameters': params["general"]})

data_type = params["general"]["data_type"]
subject_ids = params["general"]["subject_ids"]
NJOBS = params["general"]["NJOBS"]
session_ids = params["general"]["session_ids"]
# data_path = params["general"]["data_path"]

# ERP params
ERP_str = 'ERP'
pprint.pprint({'ERP': params[ERP_str]})
events_id = params[ERP_str]['events_id']
condition = params[ERP_str]['condition']
baseline = tuple(params[ERP_str]['baseline'])
events_file = params[ERP_str]['events_file']
t_min = params[ERP_str]['tmin']
t_max = params[ERP_str]['tmax']
{'parameters': {'NJOBS': 1,
                'data_path': '',
                'data_type': 'eeg',
                'session_ids': ['N170'],
                'subject_ids': ['016']}}
{'ERP': {'baseline': [None, 0],
         'condition': ['faces', 'car'],
         'events_file': '*_filt_ica-eve.fif',
         'events_id': {'car': 2, 'faces': 1},
         'tmax': 0.8,
         'tmin': -0.2}}

Extract events

The first Node of the workflow extract events from the raw data. The events are extracted using the function events_from_annotations of MNE-python on raw data. The events are saved in the Node directory.

def get_events(raw_ica, subject):
    First, we get the ica file from the preprocessing workflow directory, i.e.
    the cleaned raw data. The events are extracted from raw annotation and are
    saved in the Node directory.
    print(subject, raw_ica)
    import mne

    rename_events = {
        '201': 'response/correct',
        '202': 'response/error'

    for i in range(1, 180 + 1):
        orig_name = f'{i}'

        if 1 <= i <= 40:
            new_name = 'stimulus/face/normal'
        elif 41 <= i <= 80:
            new_name = 'stimulus/car/normal'
        elif 101 <= i <= 140:
            new_name = 'stimulus/face/scrambled'
        elif 141 <= i <= 180:
            new_name = 'stimulus/car/scrambled'

        rename_events[orig_name] = new_name

    raw = mne.io.read_raw_fif(raw_ica, preload=True)
    events_from_annot, event_dict = mne.events_from_annotations(raw)

    faces = list()
    car = list()
    for key in event_dict.keys():
        if rename_events[key] == 'stimulus/car/normal':
        elif rename_events[key] == 'stimulus/face/normal':

    merged_events = mne.merge_events(events_from_annot, faces, 1)
    merged_events = mne.merge_events(merged_events, car, 2)

    event_file = raw_ica.replace('.fif', '-eve.fif')
    mne.write_events(event_file, merged_events)

    return event_file

Specify Nodes

Before to create a workflow we have to create the nodes that define the workflow itself. In this example the main Nodes are

  • infosource is a Node that just distributes values

  • datasource is a DataGrabber Node that allows the user to define flexible search patterns which can be parameterized by user defined inputs

  • extract_events is a Node containing the function Extract events

  • ERP_pipeline is a Node containing the pipeline created by create_pipeline_evoked()

Infosource and Datasource

We create a node to pass input filenames to

infosource = create_iterator(['subject_id', 'session_id'],
                             [subject_ids, session_ids])
# ``datasource`` node to grab data. The ``template_args`` in this node iterate
# upon the values in the infosource node
ica_dir = op.join(
    data_path, 'preprocessing_workflow', 'preproc_eeg_pipeline')
template_path = "_session_id_%s_subject_id_%s/ica/sub-%s_ses-%s_*filt_ica.fif"
template_args = [['session_id', 'subject_id', 'subject_id', 'session_id']]
datasource = create_datagrabber(ica_dir, template_path, template_args)

Extract events Node

Then, we define the Node that encapsulates get_events function

extract_events = pe.Node(
    Function(input_names=['raw_ica', 'subject'],

ERP Node

Finally, we create the ephypype pipeline computing evoked data which can be connected to these nodes we created.

Specify Workflows and Connect Nodes

Now, we create our workflow and specify the base_dir which tells nipype the directory in which to store the outputs.

We then connect the output of infosource node to the one of datasource. So, these two nodes taken together can grab data.

main_workflow.connect(infosource, 'subject_id', datasource,  'subject_id')
main_workflow.connect(infosource, 'session_id', datasource, 'session_id')

We connect the output of infosource and datasource to the input of extract_events node

Finally, we connect the output of infosource, datasource and extract_events nodes to the input of ERP_pipeline node.

main_workflow.connect(infosource, 'subject_id',
                      ERP_workflow, 'inputnode.sbj_id')
main_workflow.connect(datasource, 'raw_file',
                      ERP_workflow, 'inputnode.raw')
main_workflow.connect(extract_events, 'event_file',
                      ERP_workflow, 'inputnode.events_file')

Run workflow

After we have specified all the nodes and connections of the workflow, the last step is to run it by calling the run method. It’s also possible to generate static graph representing nodes and connections between them by calling write_graph method.

main_workflow.write_graph(graph2use='colored')  # optional

Take a moment to pause and notice how the connections here correspond to how we connected the nodes.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # noqa
img = plt.imread(op.join(data_path, ERP_pipeline_name, 'graph.png'))
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plot ERP
(-0.5, 535.5, 594.5, -0.5)

Finally, we are now ready to execute our workflow.

main_workflow.config['execution'] = {'remove_unnecessary_outputs': 'false'}
# Run workflow locally on 1 CPU
main_workflow.run(plugin='LegacyMultiProc', plugin_args={'n_procs': NJOBS})
<networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph object at 0x7fdef9f2e410>

Plot results

import mne  # noqa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # noqa
from ephypype.gather import get_results  # noqa

evoked_files, _ = get_results(main_workflow.base_dir,
                              main_workflow.name, pipeline='compute_evoked')

for evoked_file in evoked_files:
    print(f'*** {evoked_file} ***\n')

    ave = mne.read_evokeds(evoked_file)
    faces, car = ave[0], ave[1]

    gfp_faces = faces.data.std(axis=0, ddof=0)
    gfp_car = car.data.std(axis=0, ddof=0)

    # compare conditions
    contrast = mne.combine_evoked([faces, car], weights=[1, -1])
    gfp_contrast = contrast.data.std(axis=0, ddof=0)

    # Reproducing the MNE-Python plot style seen above
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(faces.times, gfp_faces * 1e6, color='blue')
    ax.plot(car.times, gfp_car * 1e6, color='orange')
    ax.plot(contrast.times, gfp_contrast * 1e6, color='green')
    ax.legend(['Faces', 'Car', 'Contrast'])
plot ERP
*** /home/pasca/workshop/ERP_CORE/ERP_workflow/ERP_pipeline/_session_id_N170_subject_id_016/compute_evoked/sub-016_ses-N170_task-N170_eeg_filt_ica-ave.fif ***

Reading /home/pasca/workshop/ERP_CORE/ERP_workflow/ERP_pipeline/_session_id_N170_subject_id_016/compute_evoked/sub-016_ses-N170_task-N170_eeg_filt_ica-ave.fif ...
    Read a total of 1 projection items:
        Average EEG reference (1 x 29) active
    Found the data of interest:
        t =    -200.20 ...     799.80 ms (faces)
        0 CTF compensation matrices available
        nave = 70 - aspect type = 100
Projections have already been applied. Setting proj attribute to True.
Loaded Evoked data is baseline-corrected (baseline: [-0.200195, 0] sec)
    Read a total of 1 projection items:
        Average EEG reference (1 x 29) active
    Found the data of interest:
        t =    -200.20 ...     799.80 ms (car)
        0 CTF compensation matrices available
        nave = 76 - aspect type = 100
Projections have already been applied. Setting proj attribute to True.
Loaded Evoked data is baseline-corrected (baseline: [-0.200195, 0] sec)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 8.560 seconds)

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