API Documentation

Pipelines (graphpype.pipelines):

create_pipeline_nii_to_conmat(main_path[, …]) Pipeline from nifti 4D (after preprocessing) to connectivity matrices
create_pipeline_nii_to_conmat_seg_template(…) Pipeline from nifti 4D (after preprocessing) to connectivity matrices
create_pipeline_nii_to_conmat_simple(main_path) Pipeline from nifti 4D (after preprocessing) to connectivity matrices, no segmentation in tissues given, but coords for wm and csf are available and regressed.
create_pipeline_nii_to_subj_ROI(main_path[, …]) Pipeline from nifti 4D (after preprocessing) to connectivity matrices Use Grey matter for having a mask for each subject
create_pipeline_nii_to_weighted_conmat(main_path) Pipeline from resid_ts_file (after preprocessing) to weighted connectivity matrices Involves a regressor file as wiehgt for computing weighted correlations
create_pipeline_intmat_to_graph_threshold(…) Pipeline from integer matrices (normally coclassification matrices) to graph analysis
create_pipeline_net_list_to_graph(main_path) Pipeline from net_List (txt file) to graph analysis
create_pipeline_conmat_to_graph_threshold(…) Pipeline from connectivity matrices to graph analysis
create_pipeline_conmat_to_graph_density(…) Pipeline from connectivity matrices to graph analysis

Nodes (graphpype.nodes.graph_stats):

PrepareCormat([from_file, resource_monitor, …]) Average correlation matrices, within a common reference (based on labels, or coordinates)
SwapLists([from_file, resource_monitor, …]) Exchange lists of files in a random fashion (based on seed value) Typically, cor_mat, coords -> 2, or Z_list, node_corres and labels -> 3
ShuffleMatrix([from_file, resource_monitor, …]) Compute randomisation of matrix, keeping the same distribution
StatsPairTTest([from_file, …]) Compute ttest stats between 2 group of matrix - matrix are arranged in group_cormat, with order (Nx,Ny,Nsubj).

Utils (graphpype.utils_stats):

compute_pairwise_ttest_fdr(X, Y, cor_alpha, …) Two-way pairwise T-test stats
compute_pairwise_oneway_ttest_fdr(X, …[, …]) Oneway pairwise T-test stats
compute_pairwise_mannwhitney_fdr(X, Y, cor_alpha) compute pairwise Mann Whitney test